Monday, December 10, 2007

Bucket Explorer has left transmit 3 behind

transmit 3 takes mac os x ftp/Amazon s3 to the next level. again.

New Added Feature:
1. Amazon S3 Support

Manage your simple storage service, Mac-style

2. Copy and Preview Remote Web URLs
Select a remote item, hit copy: instant URL!

But Bucket Explorer offers far ahead functionality.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Amazon S3 : Interesting facts sheet

  1. Amazon’s U.S.(United States) data-centers are in Virginia.
  2. Amazon claims that the service is currently used by around 290,000 developers.
  3. Amazon have till now stored more than 10 billion objects on their servers.
  4. Launch in March 2006
  5. 1 hardware device is available for amazon s3 Zettabyte Storage zBox
  6. 32 s3 tools are available in market:
    1. Backup Manager
    2. Brackup
    3. Bucket Explorer
    4. Cockpit GUI
    5. Data Bucket Pro
    6. duplicity
    8. InfiniteBit's S3-FTP
    9. Interarchy 8
    10. jets3t
    11. JS3tream
    12. jSh3ll
    13. Jungle Disk
    14. NS3
    15. Openfount S3 Explorer
    16. PutPlace
    17. Quillen
    18. S3 Backup
    19. S3 Backup and S3 Webmaster (Maluke)
    20. S3 Solutions
    21. S3/fuse
    22. S3Browse
    23. s3DAV
    24. S3Drive
    25. s3fox
    26. S3InfiDisk
    27. S3Safe
    28. S3Sync
    29. s3sync.rb
    30. Super Flexible File Synchronizer
    31. SuperSync
    32. Sync2S3
  7. Various well known clients are:

Any European Software Developer or Business Now Has Easy Access to Highly Scalable, Reliable, Fast and Inexpensive Data Storage in the Cloud

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Expensive Amazon S3 for Europeans

Cost Factor

Europe ($)

United States ($)

Difference ($)

Storage (per GB/Month)




Requests (Per 1,000 PUT or LIST requests)




Requests (Per10,000 GET and all other requests

Data Transfer (per GB - all data transfer)



per GB - first 10 TB / month data transfer


next 40 TB / month data transfer


More then 50 TB / month data transfer


Here we can see, accept Data Transfer charges, other pricing factor have some difference due to some geographic regions.

Overall Amazon s3 will be quite expensive for European Users comparatively U.S. users.

But don’t worry, Bucket explorer helps you in cost cutting in your monthly Amazon s3 billings.

Bucket explorer knows which data should be transfer and how:

1. Amazon s3 charges us on every ACL update requests and suppose we are uploading same object which is already uploaded on Amazon s3. Here Amazon resets the ACL permissions while objects are overwritten. But Bucket explorer handles this situation by preserving the previous ACL permissions settings and saves your money.

2. Some times we are uploading same object more than two times. Here Bucket explorer checks and avoid unwanted upload download process and saves your unwanted data transfer. Even prompts you to overwrite with existing one. And If you by mistake clicks on "overwrite" or "Overwrite to all" button, Bucket Explorer will again checks and compare the objects on its bases and upload only those object which are really needed to be uploaded.

So have a Happy Billing :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What’s New in the Bucket Explorer?

What’s New in the Bucket Explorer?

  1. Latest version 2007.11.06.00 is available for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac users.
  2. New Updated UI with enhanced Security features.
  3. Latest Amazon S3’s Bucket explorer is also available for the U.S. and the EUROPEAN Customers.

Imagine the ability of Amazon s3’s simple storage service such as publish s3 content over the internet, access and share your data with others, track your account activity by logging, and you need to pay only for what you use and so on.

Now bucket explorer makes all these activities easier for all users like housewives, students / teachers, non professional users, businessmen, lawyers, doctors and so on. These users will also get some extra features in Amazon S3 by using the Bucket explorer like:

1. List only those buckets which are frequently accessed by you. It also speeds up your bucket listing process and you can perform your task as fast as possible.

2. Buckets are represented with various icons, like you can easily distinguish your friend's bucket from your bucket by different icons.

3. Set paginations for object listings. It helps when you have lots of images (10,000 or more) within a bucket. By using of pagination you can also improve you object listing speed.

4. Object filtration helps you to access list only required object or objects. It helps you while you have lots of images in various folders and directories.

5. Toggle view of tree view. You can see your local file system in tree and detailed view. In detailed view you can see the complete detailed of you local file system files and directories.

6. Let’s give a nick name (caption) to your Amazon s3 accounts to be able to easily recognize and distinguish your multiples of Amazon s3 account.

7. Upload or download entire folder structure with extensive reconnecting ability of the internet means, if internet connection breaks down, the Bucket Explorer attempts to re-connect the internet connection and proceeds with the remaining uploading or download the process.

8. Generate multiples of public URLs in single click.

9. Update entire folder or multiples files Access permissions with a single click, and so on.

Let’s take benefits up to December 31st, 2007. After that it may be payable.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Offline search in online data: for Amazon S3

One of the facts with online working is, online working always slower then off line working. I mean to say that if we work on any web application instead of windows application, we will find it always works slower then windows application. Means if we are working with enormous amount of online data files and folders we need patient, especially when we are finding some thing in our online data storage.

Like if we have lots of files and folders in our Amazon s3 account and we need to find something in this S3 account, it takes too much time as well as frustrates our potential efforts.

But now I have good news for Amazon S3 user. Minalyzer Desktop is the unique software which resolves this problem. Minalyzer desktop provides faster search by creating an index file. It stores complete details of each and every bucket in index file. After complete indexing, it search within index, by just specifying of few keywords and you will have necessary results in a few seconds. Even you can search in Amazon s3 bucket without any internet connectivity (offline searching).

few powerful features of Minalyzer desktop are as following:

1. It will be helpful while we have multiple Amazon s3 account. We can search in multiple Amazon s3 accounts.

2. It provides easy customization options for Amazon s3 bucket searching. By this option we can specify indexing service on few important buckets instead of all buckets.

3. Save searched results for future use and so on.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Use Bucket Explorer for Amazon S3

First of all i would like to introduce the Amazon S3. Amazon S3 is unlimited online storage service. It allows you to upload, download, share and access your data remotely.

One of the good things about S3 is that everything's stored in multiple data centers and make available your data from your nearest data center. You don't really get that if you've got your own server or a regular hosting provider. That's why i like the idea of storing my business data on S3. I am also using s3 for my web images and flash demo movies instead of expansive web server spaces.

But Amazon S3 provides only web service interface for developers thats why Bucket Explorer is developed for all types of users who want to use Amazon S3 services easily.

Bucket Explorer is a FREE platform independent application, which can run on both Microsoft Windows and Linux based operation systems. It is equipped with so many advanced features. like use can;

  • easily upload/download files and whole folder structure. Even bucket explorer allows you to upload any file in two modes:
    • upload file: if user wants to access any shared file then file will be downloaded on his local drive then open.
    • upload as html file: In this mode if user wants to access any file, then will be directly open in web browser.
  • easily share files and folders with other users in two modes
    • Share with unlimited time period: In this mode user generate the public url of a file and share with others.
    • Share with limited time period: In this mode user defines the expiry time of the public url. After expiration of url, user cannot use access the shared file. this type of url is also known as public signed url.
  • easily track bucket count by using of Bucket Count option, because Amazon S3 allows only 100 bucket for each account.
  • easily set user access permissions on buckets and their files and folders.
  • easily track data transfer activities on any bucket by using of Bucket Logging. It is also helps you to calculate monthly bill. You can also track those IPs who are accessing your shared data.
  • easily Pause and resume your upload/download process , even see the upload progress view. It also support large file upload download. not only providing window based interface it also provides a user friendly web interface for the Amazon S3 (a Simple Storage Service).

Monday, July 23, 2007

Did you know the full form of jpeg, gif, png and so on

1. JPEG or JPG: Joint Photographic Experts Group (graphics file compression standard)
2. MHTML:multilingual HTML
3. MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group (defines compression standards)
4. GIF: Graphic Interchange Format
5.PNG :
Portable Network Graphics (Comparatively better then JPEG and support binary transparency and alpha channel transparency)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

installer and installation types?

Silent installation is different from general step by step installation. It runs on command window, It is also classified in two types:

1. Silent
2. Very silent

In Silent, installation progress bar is viewed in command prompt window during installation as like in windows XP start-up.

In Very silent, there is no installation progress bar is viewed.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Disable Image toolbar from web images

To turn the Image Toolbar off for all images in your page, use the following META tag in your page's HEAD section:

<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">

To control the Image Toolbar on a particular image, use the (non-standard) GALLERYIMG attribute of the IMG element. To turn it off, set the GALLERYIMG to "no" or "false", like so:

<img src="photo.jpg" galleryimg="no">

You can learn more about the Image Toolbar at MSDN:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

How do I turn off Windows indexing?

How do I turn off Windows indexing?

To disable Indexing Service, follow these steps:

  1. Open My Computer.
  2. Right-click the Drive icon (perhaps you call it "Local Disk") and select Properties.
  3. Remove the checkmark from "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching."
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Make certain to select "Apply changes to :, subfolders and files."
  6. Click OK in the new window.


  1. Click on Start
  2. Click on Search
  3. Click on "With Indexing Service"
  4. (If that is not there, click on "Change Preferences", then "With Indexing Service")
  5. Select "No, do not enable Indexing Service"

Windows Search V/S Desktop Search

Actually, Windows 2000 and Windows XP have two ways to search files: a slow way and a fast way.

The slow way is to go into start»Search. It will take several minutes, if not longer, to find the files you are looking for. And, of course, it will not show you extracts like Minalyzer Desktop Search will.

Windows XP also supports the notion of indexing. If you can figure out how to use it, you might be able to perform fast searches.

The problem is that Windows XP is not very friendly with indexing. Windows XP starts indexing at unexpected intervals, and the process of indexing slows your computer to a crawl.

In fact, many Windows experts recommend that you turn off Windows XP indexing. See the Blog for instructions on how to do this.

In contrast, Minalyzer Desktop Search's indexing is friendlier and uses only the processing power available that you are not using.

And, Minalyzer Desktop Search is a lot easier to use.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Need of Log Analysis

Most web servers are providing the log files to the webmasters to track activity of their web sites. These log files saves everything related to website like
  • requested page URL
  • request date time
  • User IP
  • requested server IP
  • referral URL(from where the page was requested)
  • byte served or received details
  • user agent type and
  • so many other useful client server related information.

These all details are combined into a single line for every request and all requests are combined in single file. And every single file contains whole day activity.

But when we discuss about website, then every website runs on world wide so its log files contains too much data. This data is too much for human beings to understand but machines can process this data easily and log/data analysis programs can analyze this data easily and gives you meaning full results.

Minalyzer is one of the products in log analysis market which is specially developed for the webmaster or other administrative person. It helps in efficient web site administration and economic search engine optimization. We can also see some useful use cases of Minalyzer which represents its capability and representation style.

1. Visitor activity for tracking visitor activity.
2. Visitor analysis for spam tracking and junk traffic analysis.
3. Add campaign Analysis.
4. Error Analysis for Broken link analysis, client server performance analysis and so on.

Minalyzer also allows the user to create own reports as per their requirements and export reports in most popular formats for further processing or personal use.