Simple DB is becomes good alternative for those users who are currently using MySql or other Database for website hosting. And their Database structure is not much complex.
Here I have came to know about some basic information about SimpleDB which I am sharing with you all.
Amazon providing you Access Key and Secret Key to login in your SimpleDB account.
Then you need to create domains as like creating Tables in Databases, In SimpleDB you can create only 100 Domains (Tables).
Then you need to specify the Domain’s Attribute same as Defining the fields in table in database. So Fields are knows as attribute in SimpleDB cloud. You can define only 256 Attributes (fields) in a single domain (table).
Each Attribute can contain up to 1 KB of data. And you can store use 10 GB space to store your whole data.
So this is the Amazon’s Simple DB. Hope this information helps you to understand the SimpleDB.